Faith-based CQ Services

Training and travel to help you connect with the world and its people.

You take care of the spiritual dimension, and I will take care of the cultural dimension. Together we can make your mission trip or faith-based travel a true learning experience, connecting with your hosts.

Reach out with any questions or ideas. We can make a package that fits your needs and enhances your faith-based experience.

Please note that an assessment will need to be purchased for each individual. There is a special assessment pricing option for faith-based organizations.

Level 1 Faith-Based Package Cost of assessments+$150

Best for short-term or limited engagement with the host culture.

Each person takes the Cultural Values Assessment.

Receive a 1.5 hour presentation to the group before departure to debrief their Cultural Values and discuss the Cultural Values of the host culture.

Level 2 Faith-Based Package Cost of assessments+$250

Best for trips that will have more engagement with the host culture.

Each person takes the Cultural Values Assessment and/or the CQ Basic Assessment.

Receive a 1.5 hour presentation to the group before departure to debrief their Cultural Values and discuss the Cultural Values of the host culture.

Upon returning home, a 1.5 hour debrief session with the group focused on their cultural experiences.

Level 3 Faith-Based Package Cost of assessments+$250

Best for longer, more in-depth international experiences or a group intentionally focused on their CQ growth.

Each person takes the Cultural Values Assessment and the CQ Pre-Assessment.

Receive a 1.5 hour presentation to the group before departure to debrief their Cultural Values and discuss the Cultural Values of the host culture.

Upon returning home, each person takes the CQ Post-Assessment.

Upon returning home, a 1.5 hour debrief session with the group focused on their cultural experiences, how their CQ changed, and what they can do to continue their CQ growth.

“Cross-cultural encounters can be an ideal way of exploring whether our faith is the only sensible way of looking at the world. Many Christians fear even allowing themselves to question their faith, but a serious engagement with the Other should cause us to explore our faith with a heightened sense of curiosity.”

— David Livermore in Cultural Intelligence: Improving Your CQ
to Engage Our Multicultural World